*Every paper I write is judged by its spirit and purpose, not less than by its presentation and content of soul.*
Keeping the aforementioned thought in mind makes me of service. What follows is how my words are employed in direct proportion to the extent of the malady I want to address at the given time. The greatest battle I have fought in this life is coming to terms with who and what I am. This unavoidable commotion can spread to a destructive contagion if not opposed or suppressed with enough force. Force, because all battles of the mind are war with or against one’s self. The eruptions of the mind are just as oppressive as those of the body–they are not to be summarily dismissed without application of your undivided attention.
My job is to embed nutrients in the fibers of my thoughts so I can elevate my readers and their understanding of this world, as well as the one hidden behind the master veil. Expanding the range of my reach to other’s is a God given gift. When I successfully give to others tools they can tangibly use to transform their mind and therefore their life, this is when my life comes to mean something beyond myself.
Writing is my secret power.
The importance of word choice is intermingled in the thickest chords of my soul. Letters are corridors of power. In my presence, they move and breathe, pulsating with energy that yearns to be harnessed for good. They serve as the springs that give life to my efforts. An acute observation is that every paper is a blueprint of my spiritual DNA, for nothing involves my senses and employs more influence from my mind than thoughts. The sanctity of the oath I have with words is the greatest good I access. They are the bricks and my fingertips the builder with the frequency I broadcast serving as the architect over these malleable portals.
Upon this consideration, being candid, the moment I knew I was blessed with this unique authority I began to apply my deepest acknowledgements towards the responsibility. To go from believing you needed to be indoctrinated by an entity to realizing that you are the entity is a most peculiar realization. I do not have to draw the power in. I am that power.
To step within a portal is to see yourself through a mirror beyond description. This forever space of mirrors exists beyond the ceiling of the Earth. When you connect yourself to the very beginning, everything is seen differently. It is not your sight that changes, but that your vision exceeds the thresholds imposed upon it. I use words to activate mine. Having tossed away those suspenders the blinders intended to keep you suppressed are removed.

Throughout the course of my papers, I want to induce in your mind the endless permutations of all the good that is possible for you. The mind over which you preside accesses a medium of infinite power that can literally achieve anything. What happens to most of us over time is frequent exposure to contamination of one’s thoughts which begets oppression of your highest power. In the meantime we overcome these shortcomings temporarily before all too soon finding ourselves terminated with further distress and feelings of disappointment. Whenever things in life do not go as planned, this is an all too easy hole to dig oneself in.
Coming up with ways to prevent impairment of one’s natural gifts–this is at the heart of why I write. Anything that cannot be observed and adhered to with your success in view, I consider a breach of the reverence I have for you and your time. I think often (too often!) about all the times in my life I where no matter what, I lacked what it took to make a material change I could be happy with. In spite of the inconvenience of inconvenience, I conveniently found myself in ardent repetitions of errors much to my dismay. So I decided to take a close look at my own thoughts and record to myself what I found, hence the existence of every paper on this blog.
When one writes, they make the invisible visible.
A thought is invisible as well as real. A word, is a matrix of thought. Every time you see a word, you see a thought behind it. You conjure a meaning or a way of defining it. Therefore it follows that a collection of words is a cascade of truths revealed to you. When these thoughts become useful for you, the veil is lifted, and what was once a mystery is now visible.
When you read something by someone, what you’re really doing is touring the structure they’ve erected. You intimately peer into the soul of their thoughts, hopes, fears, and beliefs. Personally, I clothe my hopes and dreams in that vast civilization of words that spiral toward me constantly.
A thought can be as simple as a hut or as grand as a palace. This is so, just as every man is either a man of order, or a man of disorder. Inside of you exists every possibility. This truth is advanced and illustrated to you continually at any given time. Being fitted by your talents if not by your choices, ultimately determines the direction of the outcomes you have control over. The difficulties that commence with your rise are not intended to diminish you, but designed to enhance your enlightenment and enlarge your coast.

This is Serious Delivery indeed.
When dealing with problems that at first glance appear to be impossible to solve, the most simplistic view of the subject is often one of the best ways to come up with a solution. With age comes experience, and with that comes a learned necessity of leaving the problem to the prudence of your mind. Your thoughts, big or small, amount to a standing army ready at your command to execute your bidding. To keep yourself from ruin, instinctively, you set to work looking for an answer to your inquiry. It’s serious delivery. It’s smart delivery. It’s perfect delivery. Such is your mind.
And in proportion to your increase in believing in yourself, it is therefore quite probable, that every thought you have will rightly augment itself in your order bank of feasible solutions for future problems. Think of this order bank as a piggy bank of answers that could solve your problem. A penny for the right thought can be priceless indeed. You are to never be in a defenseless disposition completely overwhelmed by circumstances. You carry an endless well of peaceful power.
A negative thought, regarding one’s self, is nothing more than a petty scourge.
When things are going your way, naturally, you can expect an increase in your confidence. This influential aura that invades us all from one time or another is a magnificent gift that is to be acquired by honest diligence, fueled by the equity of your determination. Through the passing of time, as you persevere through successive challenges, comes more practice in the honing of yourself which by nature is your primary revival of an ascension that begins at the time of your birth.

All negative, life depraving policy, being that it is at odds with the natural course of your rise, is inherently defeating. The truth of this is not to be questioned given the destruction of negative thoughts and the havoc that ensues when smoky clouds gather.
On Earth, employing the instrument known as letters, I build my ladder to that great house made not with physical exertion, but with thoughts, which rests eternal. My laptop, being an emblem of my efforts, is where many of the rooms of my soul rest, until I add to their word files evermore. Just as the ceiling of Heaven is unmovable, your best thoughts are not to be moved, as they are arranged by the central axis of your identity. So long as you exist, the influence your thoughts have over you will preside. Proper relation and correct placement of them is critical to your success. As with many other things, consistency is the ideal one should strive for the most.
The quality of the mind is revealed from what is or is not derived. The humble veneration that follows my every breath at having been blessed with something so awe inspiring as the ability to think leaves me arranged in blissful splendor. From dusk till dawn, the mind and its form is the form of the Eternal.
A few rules to keep you going…
- Rule #1: There is no secret. Hard work is the answer.
- Rule #2: Refer back to rule #1.
- Rule #3: Live everyday, as if it’s impossible to fail.
- Rule #4: If you question whether you’re doing enough, go a little further.
- Rule #5: No one knows you better than you do–use that to your advantage.
- Rule #6: You only stop ascending when you believe your best days are behind you.
- Rule #7: In order to ascend, one must learn. And in order to learn, one must know the struggle.
- Rule #8: When you don’t know what else to do, keep going.
- Rule #9: You disqualify yourself the moment you perceive yourself as “less than.”
- Rule #10: You were born alongside a beam of light that never stops proceeding. Don’t ever forget that.

–Daniel Cousin
*In closing, I would like to close this current post out by highlighting Mr. Anuj Agarwal, the founder of Feedspot. I greatly appreciate being selected by Feedspot as one of the top 100 Personal Development Blogs on the web. I am eternally grateful to stand on the shoulders of giants in the blogging industry and I genuinely feel honored to be featured. To my movers and shakers, if you are looking for more personal development material, please click here. You’ll be connected to the best personal development blogs in the industry bar none.*
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