The Texas Diaries (4)

All photos used on this post, unless stated otherwise, are from *The form and color of life, as well as its’ substance, is made possible by the soul–our direct link to the highest form, of which his word is made flesh. What follows cannot be taught–it has to be Continue Reading

The Texas Diaries (3)

*Your dream is a vision of that home in your soul which though hidden, is always present. In the midst of your existence, it surrounds you like a warm embrace embedding your image with the tools of the eternal builder. Having mastered your tools, when you combine faith with your Continue Reading

The Texas Diaries (2)

*Every paper I write is judged by its spirit and purpose, not less than by its presentation and content of soul.* Keeping the aforementioned thought in mind makes me of service. What follows is how my words are employed in direct proportion to the extent of the malady I want Continue Reading

The Texas Diaries

*Writing great thoughts is painful for me–which is precisely why they’re the only kinds of thoughts I attempt to chronicle.* In life, it is neither rational to require the most, nor just to expect the least. When I arrived in Texas a few months back, that’s precisely what I thought Continue Reading

The Crossroads

*When you are at your crossroads, you are at the upper limit of your heretofore self-imposed potential. Depending upon which way you go, you will either remain where you are, or you will break through your ceiling and consciously choose to continue your rise. With either path, you will be Continue Reading

Know Thyself

*To choose the life you live, one must first live to be who they are. This is about you being the person that your spirit has been waiting for you to manifest in reality. The reality, is not the one you think, but the one you live. The person you Continue Reading

How To Keep Going

*Never permit your grievances to overshadow your opportunities. At your lowest point–that, is when you seek to be that pivotal example of a person tirelessly at work for the betterment of humanity.* If you’re seeking what I’m writing, I won’t have to beg you to stay. The greatest secret you Continue Reading

Do You Know Where You’re Going?

*Don’t stop until they see what you see. You can’t change the direction of the path you take, but so long as you can adjust your sails along the way, the winds of ambition will still take you where you want to go.* The successful people–you know the one’s that Continue Reading

How To Make Yourself Over

*Faith in oneself is one thing, but it is also the substance of things unseen. With each post, I dream about my writings and then write my dreams.* This is about more than your appearance. Why stop there? When dealing with someone with as much potential as yourself, why not Continue Reading

How To Be Happy

*In this post, I’m connecting you to your higher self. No matter who you are or where you find yourself, the message contained here is for you because the power is yours and it always will be.* You must accept yourself. Wherever you find yourself right now, accept the present Continue Reading

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