*Your natural gift is a flame that can be buried, but never extinguished.*
It is you–I draw all of my energy and inspiration from you–the people. The tale of the methods by which I do this can be viewed in every post. I owe it to you to indissolubly interlink my enthusiasm, indefatigable energy, and faith into the words I write, because you command that from me. Therefore, I seek to do something worth the doing. To gain ascendency in the hearts and minds of others, I will employ the widest currency of gifts currently accessible to me.
As you ascend the heights of your purpose, you pursue a promised land of sorts. My desire to help others enlarge their coast has become acute. I find myself electric with ambition on only two occasions now; day and night. Moreover, I’ve resolved to let no obstacle prevent me from putting my best self forward, so that I may be fit to accomplish the most good in my endeavors.
To erect the true heights of one’s character, one must first be submerged into the depths of depression. That previous sentence is a declaration of sorts emblazoned inside my mind in a striking sunburst of letters. Pain never results without a reason for it. You might not like the reason for it, but that is immaterial–the pain exists for a reason. It’s up to you to find it. The key for you, when you find yourself in this situation, is to not despair to the point where you paralyze yourself with questions you don’t know the (correct) answer to.
For those of you out there that are suffering and are seeking why, I feel your disgust and frustration and I vouch that you are right to feel what you feel. There are nuggets of pain drenched knowledge in every post that ping back to the inception of my pain. These pingbacks can be thought of as the fingertips of the arms of depression that once embraced my tattered mind with ruthless determination. If you are suffering, I don’t seek to tell you something magical that will make it all go away. I seek to walk with you, as you walk with me, so that together, we learn from one another. I’ve found that my best moments of higher learning have come in those seemingly inconsequential conversations I’ve had with random strangers. Regardless of someone’s station in life there’s something valuable I can pick up from their experience. I wish I had known when I was younger: It is only when you listen that you begin to understand.
I found my why by seeking my why.
At a young age, I fell, and was completely broken. The issues that followed would bedevil me for many years until I was able to take what I learned as a result of what I went through, and apply it towards a purpose that would benefit you–the reader. My only longing regret that I hold dear with each post is that what I am attempting is being done imperfectly, notwithstanding the veracity that the source of all my words reside from the deepest pitfalls of my pain.
I will say many things that the great many will find to be disagreeable. I attempt to be ever self aware and keen to state my points, and the “why” to each one, so as to establish a direct connection to the mind of the reader. When you read my words, I want you to feel exactly what I’m thinking. It is very important that you feel the life embedded in each sentence–all the pain, joy, disappointment, sadness, hope, depression, and never dimming happiness.

As I’ve stated, when you read my posts, you walk with me. This is why I’m very mindful of what I write. I never want to waste your valuable time. So when you invest in me, I will do all I can to give you a return you can’t get anywhere else, because you could be anywhere else, yet you are here, with me. Therefore, rendering myself worthy of your thoughts will always be a priority because I know that as soon as I step outside of that boundary, I’ve lost connection with you. And if I do that, my work dies a lonely death.
How does one absorb an impact so devastating and continually pursue the beauty of it? My reply is: To seek, is to find. To make sense of the senseless is a tireless endeavor. Life is so magical in that one makes sense of not only the questions but often, the answers that answer those very questions. One grows just as much from knowing the answer as they do from challenge posed by the question. Growth everlasting is ever better than stagnation. With that comes more pain and more discomfort but from what I’ve seen, that comes with the territory of ascension. As you succeed, challenges will rise up against you. What you must do is rise above them.
Your answers are always bigger than your problems.

Those that can do those things that the world wants done, will, in the end, leave the world in a better condition than that which they found it. My need to be a part of that process drives me to every end of coming up with how ever many sentences are required to see to it that you are at your best. As I have gotten older, I have experienced more and more that assistance given to those in need makes the one who renders that service all the more grateful that they are blessed enough to be in position to serve others.
To them that submerge themselves to completion in what they do, seeking to serve in those places wholly disagreeable to the masses, they are the ones who seek for their spirit to approach those standards set by the Almighty.
Ascertained by how deep a hole I dug for myself, I have a ways to go to until I climb all the way out. That notwithstanding, I’ve picked up key knowledge along the way. I pity those individuals who measure their success solely by their accumulation of material possessions. I too, was lost in that whirlwind, but now I am found. Your best foundation for which you can proceed forth unimpeded is the one you lay by the sweat of your efforts. So often we overestimate what others can do for us while underestimating what we can do for ourselves.
Learning about oneself is to ascend a mountain where which the peaks of your excellence have yet to be seen or ever executed by anyone else before you.
I never want for a day to go by where you don’t believe in yourself. So with every post, I want to teach you to believe in yourself just a bit more. Inch by inch it is a cinch. To all of you that really and truly read this, I want you at your best because the better you are, the better off we all are. My work is a promise to you that I will never stop investing in you. I know your value even more than you do. And that is why…
This is not (just) a blog.
Before I leave you today here’s a final thought to live by: It is not enough to want it to happen. It’s not enough to wish for it to happen. You have to make it happen.

–Daniel Cousin
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