Your Time Is NOW!
*In my last post, I talked about how to turn your thoughts into things. If you have not, please read that post first. This one will make a lot more sense for you.* Here is the link as follows:
If your personality had a yearbook photo, what would it look like? What if you could take a “selfie” of your mind? How would it look to you? Do you love or hate what you see? Regardless of what you see and what you think of what you see, what you are seeing is your self-image.
Now, this image encapsulates everything that you are in your mind’s eye. Your opinion about this is all-time important because no one else has direct access but you. YOU are the sole controller. While this makes you extremely powerful in direct proportion to that is the level of responsibility required on your part. Have no fear–you are more than prepared for this challenge. And once you master it, your life will never be the same. Let’s get started.
No matter where you are in your life, this exercise will absolutely improve the quality of your life.
If you do not like who you are, you can change in an instant! Say it, and it is so. Believe it, and it is so. The purpose I want to convey is the importance of writing down every change you want to make in YOUR life. In short, write down the changes you want, and the words will be manifested into flesh, because you have planted the seed for those changes.
One of the most powerful abilities we have over ourselves is our capacity for change. You are uniquely qualified to be precisely the person you want to be. The reality is, no one can tell you exactly what to think of yourself in any given time. Our mind’s come equipped with more filters than an air conditioning factory. Your thoughts about yourself are your own. You own them outright. The reason why so many of us fail to get to where we want to be is a lack of knowledge regarding a few keys laws that can make all the difference for you. To share this awareness with you will put you exactly where you want to be because you deserve nothing less than to be at your best.
When you write down the changes you desire to see in yourself, you become sealed.
Shutting the door to potential pitfalls is what enables the changes you want to take place. This is how you get ahead of the setbacks which would normally trip you up. What you do and how you react, and how you respond, to ALL external stimuli, is going to determine whether those changes you desire ever see the light of day. This is why writing down exactly what you want to see in yourself is magnificently important. Think of this as writing a program. A program is nothing more than a set of instructions. To do this is akin to programming your life.
You see, when you imagine something intensely, your nervous system can not tell the difference of whether or not it is real. Going further, once you embed these desired changes into the fibers of your subconscious mind, your conscious mind has no choice other than to lead you up that desired path. The mind does not care what you plant. Good or bad, it will return to you in abundance the offspring of what you decide.
Therefore, writing down the changes you want to see in yourself reinforces and enables you to plant only those seeds which will give birth to the fruition of your desires. The only seeds you want to plant in your mind are the ones that will see to it you hit your marks. You will not be able to maximize yourself until you can maximize your God given potential. For this to happen, you must shut out all the negative self-talk background processes you have running inside your mind.
The good changes you want for yourself: You have to want and desire these changes exclusively, without giving notice to all the reasons why you can not do it.
When you write it down, subconsciously, you focus on why you can do it! Without knowing it, you are re-programming yourself. You are working to shut the door and dismiss all the nay-saying inside your conscious mind. This is what gives this technique its power. You have no doubt heard of the expression “your fate is sealed.” Writing your “best self” down precisely the way you want will procure you every current of resource and experience required to make your changes tangible reality. You will go from “feeling it” to actually “living it.”
The body that you really want for yourself–seal it! The myriad other personal changes you want for yourself from your career to your finances you can seal it ALL. You must take that first step and write it down. As you are writing, you may be giving birth to changes you were not even aware of. But by writing you have opened the taps and let go. This is what needs to happen because for perhaps the first time in your life you are telling yourself it can be done.
We should never tell ourselves it cannot be done. Unfortunately, more often than not, that is what we do best. Putting your worst foot forward is that last thing you should major in. Until you write down your “best self” plan, this is exactly what you are doing.
This “best self” plan that you have designed–look at it daily. DO NOT miss a day. You plant that seed inside yourself and take inventory of your progress daily. What is so fulfilling about this is that no matter what kind of day you are having, you can do something good for yourself everyday that will get you that much closer to being the person you want to be. “Access denied” is an impossibility the moment you remove the fetters from yourself. This method is the very best way to do just that.
–Daniel Cousin
All photos used on this post, unless stated otherwise, are from *The form and…
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