
How To Become Your Identity

*When you walk up the stairs carrying the water of other's, by the sweat of your brow, you will learn…

4 years ago

As You Think, So Shall You Be

*The bible tells us in Proverbs 23:7 that as a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he." Roman emperor…

4 years ago


*The words that follow result from a man who has spent the majority of his life analyzing every single mistake…

4 years ago

How To NEVER Be Out Of Shape!

Getting in shape is easy. Staying in shape is a whole other challenge. With my 18 years of experience, I…

4 years ago

How To Get Everything You’ve Always Wanted!

I have always wanted to go to Seychelles. And I most certainly will go! And I am going to tell…

4 years ago

How To Be Irreplaceable

The moment you tell yourself what you really want in life, and then proceed about doing it, you have laid…

4 years ago

How To Speak Publicly With Confidence!

Standing in front of even a small group of people and speaking can be downright intimidating. In what follows, I…

4 years ago

How To Invest In Yourself

*In my last post, I talked about how to turn your thoughts into things. If you have not, please read…

4 years ago

How To Get Over Being Fired!

Anger. Sadness. Disappointment. Confusion. These are but a few of the myriad emotions that come to mind after being let…

4 years ago

You Are The Greatest!

Don't you just love the way that sounds? Most of us don't hear that nearly enough which is why it…

4 years ago